As your Breeder I will:
- I reserve the right not to sell you a puppy.
- Give you at least weekly updates of the puppies while they are still in my kennel.
- I will pick your puppy for you. You pick the sex and maybe the color but otherwise the decision is mine. My family and I will spend over a hundred hours with each litter and who knows them better than me? I’ll match the pup to your personality, what you hunt, etc… Ask my references how well I matched their pups to them.
- I will hold the pups with me for at least 8 weeks, though I prefer 10. In order to build the best and most stable temperaments, the longer they stay with their mother and litter mates – the better for them. If anyone is placing pups at 7 weeks – run.
- We guarantee that our puppies will be clear of vom Willobrands disease and Hemophilia. Each puppy will be wormed and have the appropriate vaccinations. Pups will be free of hip dysplasia if evaluated between 12 and 14 months of age. All puppies will have standard DD genetic testing done prior to leaving my kennel; however, the results may not be back prior to puppy pickup.
- Our puppies will be a genetic package designed to be developed into a great hunting and family dog. However it is up to each puppy owner to properly socialize his puppy and expose it to hunting situations to awaken the instincts that might otherwise lie dormant.
- Once you get your pup, I will check up on him.
- I will add you to our private Dilmunfast Facebook group – a great place to share stories and ask questions. Networking is key to our breed success. Other Facebook sites for Drahthaars are for entertainment ONLY and if you post questions there – you will get a not nice phone call from me.
- I will be available to answer questions. I prefer email and text messages as I work very odd hours and can’t always answer the phone; however, a phone call is sometimes necessary. I will return every communication within 24 hours; if I don’t, ask again, you just fell off my radar screen for that day.
- I will not train your dog for you but I will help you to train your own dog. We regularly hold training days at our house.
- I will help you enter the tests and help you with the paperwork.
- If I don’t know the answer, I know who does.