My story is pretty typical of most folks that eventually gravitate towards a Drahthaar. I grew up hunting Pointers, Setters, Beagles and coon hounds with my Uncle. I still smile with every time I hear a Pointer wearing a bell on their collar. After growing up, the military and education, I started looking for my next dog. I found that there weren’t as many rabbits around as there used to be and upland game was all but extinct in the South. My attention turned to really the only thing left to hunt – ducks. So I became a Lab guy. The Labs I ran into either had no natural hunting instinct or they were over the top crazy field trial drop outs that you couldn’t stand to be around. I did the best with what I had but was always disappointed. Later, I wanted to go back to my quail and grouse. I didn’t have the room or time for a kennel full of specialized (using that term very loosely) dogs, so I decided to check out this “versatile hunting dog thing”. Every google search I did kept coming up with only one real dog and one serious option – The Deutsch Drahthaar. That was 2004 and we have never looked back.
Since then we decided to become highly involved in the VDD-GNA Club and if you are a DD owner, you should too. I am the current Chairman of the Southeast Hunter Chapter of Group North America. Served as the Vice-Chairman for the Southeast Hunters Chapter for 8 years. I have been the Director of Testing for the Southeast Hunters Chapter for more than 10 years. I was the Breed Warden for the Big Rivers Chapter for 2 years. I also became a Performance Judge, a Blood Tracking Judge and finally a Breed Show judge. Somewhere early in this journey we decided to start breeding Drahthaars.
Our goal has never been to make money at this and if you do it right, this is the wrong dog game to play for profit. We have never been flashy or have a high powered sales scheme or website. We desire to put great dogs with great hunters and their families. Simple. Now if all you want is a hunting dog, its really hard to find a bad DD. But if you want to test the dog in our system, have never had a serious hunting dog before, or are going to need help, picking your Breeder is the most important decision you’ll make. If you get a dog from us, I tell everyone – We are a package deal – I come with the dog. This is not a business transaction between strangers (as it has become with too many breeders) but the start of a relationship between new friends. My expertise and that of the entire Dilmunfast family of handlers comes with it. If I don’t know the answer to your question, I know someone who does
Feel free to look over the website and give me a call. Whether you get a dog from us or not, I’ll be happy to point you in the right direction.
– Mike